Monday, June 13, 2016

Diaper Cake

 ~Diaper Cake~

This project was thought up by my sister and she was the master mind behind all the steps for these cakes that we made for our sister-in-law's baby shower! We ended up using 124 diapers in each cake and made 3 of them in just a couple hours. The diapers are all individually rolled and kept together using mini rubber bands and each tier is held together using larger rubber bands.

Step 1. Start with 1 diaper and add diapers all the way around it, next put a rubber band around the entire outside. That will be your top tier.

Step 2. Repeat the entire first step, then add another layer of diapers around the outside and rubber band that entire layer.  This will be your second tier.

Step 3. Repeat the first two steps and add another layer around the entire tier to form your third tier. For this tier you will want to use a very large rubber band and preferably have another person there to help you stretch it wide enough to cover all the diapers.

Step 4. Repeat the first three steps again and add your next layer to form your fourth tier.  For this tier you will want to use two large rubber band to make sure the tier is held together super tight since it will be so large.

Step 5. This is the fun part, decorating! This cake was decorated for a baby boy shower so we went with a mustache theme but really any theme will look super cute on these cakes!