Monday, May 30, 2016

Root Beer Scented Edible Finger Paints

Root Beer Scented Edible Finger Paints

The Supplies you will need for this is:
-1 Cup Flour
-1 Teaspoon Salt
-2 Cups Water
-1 Teaspoon Root Beer Extract (or any extract you prefer)

Add the water and salt to a small pot and begin heating over medium heat.  Add the flour and whisk constantly to make sure it doesn't get lumpy.

The paint will start to thicken up pretty quickly, when it starts to get thick turn the heat down and keep stirring until its at the consistency you want for your paint.  I like mine to be thick enough where it won't run everywhere when the kids dump it onto their paper.

After you reach the thickness you like shut off the heat and add in your extract: we love the root beer extract but we have tried it with orange too and it smells just as great! 

Divide your paint into small bowls or a muffin tin works great too! Add a few drops of food coloring to each one and your paint is ready to go!

This is one of our favorite rainy day activities~Good luck on your masterpieces!

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