Sunday, May 29, 2016


The simplest Flower Crown you will ever make!

Part 1. Making the flowers

Step 1. Cut out a circle from felt. I like to use a cereal bowl as my template.(the bigger the circle the bigger your flower will be.)

Step 2. Cut your circle into a spiral shape.  I free hand mine but you could draw and cut along that line if you prefer.  Make it wobbly or cut bumps along the edge so your flower petals will have some different shapes when its together.

Step 3. Add a dab of hot glue on the middle of your spiral and start rolling your flower up. You will want to continue adding small amounts of glue as you roll.

Step 4. Glue the tail down on the flower and it is finished!

Part 2. Assembling the Crown

This part is the easiest!
Step 1. Cut a piece of thick ribbon long enough to go around your baby's head and tie a bow.

Step 2. Glue the flowers as close together as you can get them.  If you leave a gap it will look too spaced when the crown is on and trust me you do not want to be ripping these off and restarting (it will look like a mess with the hot glue if you do)

Step 3. If you think your crown needs a little something extra you could cut out and leaves or just leave it plain, they look super cute either way!

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